Front of House Volunteers
Our volunteer members support our theatre by providing bar staff, coffee staff, Theatre Managers and programme sellers We are always looking for more volunteers.

Our licensed bar is open from 7.00pm during the run of Dunstable Rep productions, the plays produced by other societies using our facilities and on other social occasions. Our bar is manned by volunteer Members and our Theatre Manager is always pleased to hear from new members who would like to enjoy the social atmosphere of working behind our bar. No experience is necessary. Working behind the bar is a fun way to help our theatre and our regular volunteer bar staff find it is a very social evening.

In addition to the two bar staff that work behind the bar for each performance we also need volunteers to make the coffee during the interval.
Hall Managers

Our Front of House Managers guide the audience to their seats and help ensure their safety during each performance. Every performance at the theatre needs one Front of House Manager. Full training is provided for this role. Being a regular Front of House Manager is a sociable, rewarding and very necessary voluntary job. The Front of House Manager remains within the foyer area during a performance.
Programme Seller
Often one of the first jobs after joining that new members do to get involved.
To find out more or volunteer for bar, coffee bar, programme seller or hall manager, contact the Theatre Manager at